Category Archives: Gaming

Happy Geek Pride Day!

Hey, Hi, Hello, and nuqneH.  That last one (for those who don’t know) is a Klingon’s only greeting; and it means “What do you want?”  Today is a very special day for all things awesome, and I didn’t think it would be right to have a blog titled GEEK PEAK and not do a blog post.  So what is today?  Why it’s Geek Pride Day, of course!

Pinky Pie playing XBox

May 25th has donned that worthy title for reasons like:

  1. The release date of  Episode IV: A New Hope, the very first Star Wars movie, released  in 1977.  A great timeline of events from the conception to the birth of this epic saga and beyond, can be found here.
  2. Tribute to author Douglas Adams, also known as Towel Day
  3. Glorious 25 May day in Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series. A day where honor was given and tributes of lilac and hard-boiled eggs were bestowed on the fallen.  On this note, when Terry announced that he had Alzheimers, May 25th became a day for lovers of his work to wear lilac, in order to raise awareness about the disease.

Now, all that being said, the 35th anniversary of Star Wars is my absolute favorite thing about today!  Without The Force, where would be be?  Here is a link to the original trailer:

George Lucas changed our lives forever, and still continues to expand on the world he created.  So, I just want to take this time to say “Thank you!”

As happy as I am about celebrating the roots of the geekiness that made this a day to be celebrate, I think that it is also important to give props to the king and queen geek leaders of today.

King & Queen of the Geekdom

Of course I’m talking about Felicia Day and Wil Weaton.  Individually, they are fan-frakkin-tastic, but together, they are mind-blowing!  You can follow their adventures through geekdom on the premium Youtube channel Geek & Sundry.  This channel is produced and developed by the queen herself, and both she and Wil produce original content for, and appear in, some of the shows.  They aren’t the only ones to thank for this glorious channel of course.  Joining Felicia Day on the list of executive producers is Kim Evey and Sheri Bryant.  The channel also stars the talents of Veronica Belmont, the Cast of The Guild, Paul & Storm, and also has a channel reserved to debut the first Dark Horse Motion Comics.  Speaking of The Guild, I’m sure by now you have all seen the Do You Wanna Date My Avatar video.  Well here is a new video, again starring the cast of the Guild and directed by Jed Weadon, called “I’m the One That’s Cool”

Well, that’s about it for the Geek Day post.  Don’t forget to subscribe to the Geek & Sundry YouTube channel here.  And May the Force be with you.

Videogame Deathmatch

G4 is in the middle of the Videogame Deathmatch. This is the best idea, ever!

The idea is that fans get online and vote for their favorite gaming franchise. This means, any game that has one or more sequels, or prequels to it.

They started out with 32 of the top gaming franchises of all time. Fans voted and winners moved on up the brackets. Currently, they are taking votes for round three.

Round 3 consists of 4 battles:

Assassin’s Creed vs. Fallout
Grand Theft Auto vs. Legend of Zelda
Mass Effect vs. Resident Evil
StarCraft vs. Warcraft

I am already flabbergasted by which franchises have been beaten by others. For instance, in round 2, Assassin’s Creed was up against Call of Duty. Now, I have played and enjoy both franchises, but I really thought this was a no-brainer when it comes down to the popularity of the two. And yet, even after 7 highly successful games put out for Call of Duty, versus Assassin’s Creed’s 2, Assassin’s Creed came out the winner.

The lesson here boys and girls, is get your asses out there and vote! Voting really does make a difference!